Monday, 23 February 2015

Suffering for beauty: footbinding

After having analysed old fashion which was particularly unconfortable and even dangerous, I would like students to search the web and answer these questions to share them with the rest of the class:

1- What was footbinding? Where was it practised?
2- When did it begin?
3- Why were small feet so well considered among women in China?
4- What was the perfect size for women´s feet?
5- How was footbinding practised?
6- When was footbinding practised? Why?
7- What was the ideal lenght for feet?
8 - How were the different sizes of feet called?
9- When did footbinding end? Why?
10 - What happened to women who had already had their feet wrapped?

You may use this web on Footbinding 

After answering these questions, watch this video

Cindy Crawford and photoshop

After talking about real images and fake images of models, have a look at this video relating something that happened to Cindy Crawford. What do you think about people´s reaction?
 USA Today

After having watched the video, twit something about it with the hashtag #CindyCrawford.