Tuesday 2 November 2021

Death Penalty

 What do you think about the Death Penalty, otherwise known as Capital Punishment? Is it morally correct?

Watch these videos about different opinions on the topic:


After watching these videos and discussing them with your classmates, read the following arguments and decide if they are for and against: 

- For the murder victim's family, it is the only way justice can be done.
- It prevents people from commiting crimes.
- Society should punish people, not look for revenge.
- There's no other way to stop murderers from murdering again.
- If the state says killing people is wrong, it can't do the same thing itself.
- A murderer should pay for his crime with his own life.
- Innocent people have occasionally been executed.
- Life imprisonmnent is sufficient punishment. 

Prepare a debate about this topic with the rest of the class. Remember to use the following expressions to give reasons for your opinions: 
- For one thing...
- I say this because...
- For that reason...
- I feel this way because...
- That`s why...
- That's because...
- That's the main reason why...
- That`s another reason why...
- I agree but...

Crime and Punishment Vocabulary Exercises


Vocabulary Exercise 1

Vocabulary Exercise 2