Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Geocaching discoveries by our students


Remember the Geocaching activity that was proposed in October? We finally got  the results!
Here you have different treasures, or caches as professionals call them, made by our students:

-Elena Blanco and Raquel Gallardo, 3r ESO A, discovered a cache near the Miquel Martí i Pol library.

-Malena Rodríguez and Sara Raimundo, 3r ESO B, didn´t find any cache and decided to create one and bury it in Can Mercader

- Verónica Colmenero, Amalia Leiva, David Gérez, Samuel González, Nerea Arce and Carla Lorite, 3r ESO A, found one cache in Can Mercader.  This same cache was also found by Asier Jaurrieta and Adrian Llamas, 3r ESO B, and also by Jordi Lluch, Arianna Pannunzi and Eugenia Porotova, from the same class. Also in the park of Can Mercader Miquel Gusi, from 3rB, created one cache.

- It seems there was more than one cache in Can Mercader, as Iker Jaurrieta and Eric Gutiérrez, of 4tESOC, discovered.

- Carlos Chaparro, 3r ESO B, decided to find a cache outside Cornellà and found one
 in Corbera de Llobregat.

-Maria Chaves and Laia Doval, 3r ESO A, found a cache near the Citilab. The same cache was also found by Silvia Callejo and Judith Rodríguez, of the same class.

- Carlota Ribot and Alba López Torres, from 4tESO C, found an interesting cache near the railway.

- Ilias el Ghabzouri, Diego Farfán and Hatim Oudiai found one near the Parc Esportiu Llobregat. If you look at their faces it was hard to find!

- Other students, like Gerardo Medina, Joshua Diéguez or Ali Narváez, from 3r ESO B, searched for a long time and didn´t find anything, but they had fun anyway!  The same happened to Marc Compte and Carlos García, from 4tESOC. And Nadia Matas, Paula Ramos and David Sánchez Matilla, also from the same class, tried hard but found nothing either. Although if you look at their pictures, they had lots of fun in the process.

- But the best discovery and the best project has been created by a 4tESOC group, with Nadya Monico, Christian Millán and Laia Trujillo, also accompanied by Ivan Farfan of 3rESOB. They discovered a nice cache in Montjuic and enjoyed a nice trip and really nice views. Congratulations!