Thursday, 28 February 2019


Do you know the origins of Carnival? Where does this tradition come from, and why does it have this name? And where is it celebrated around the world?
Let´s watch this video and find out...

Are you ready to check how much can you remember? Let´s do a kahoot to find out!

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Bug Eating??? Seriously?

Have you ever heard of Bush Tucker? It is native Australian food. It consists of Australia's native plants, animals, reptiles and insects. Wait a minute.... insects?? Yuck!
Well, you should know than 60% of people in the world eat insects regularly. So, should we all?
Watch this video and find out: 

Wednesday, 6 February 2019

Typical British and American food

Resultat d'imatges de american food
Resultat d'imatges de british food

Hungry? Then you'd better grab something to eat before you start watching these pictures, because they are ....yummy!!!

Find out the British and American most typical foods with these slideshares.

Afterwards, you can practise what you just learnt with this Kahoot 

and find the words in this wordsearch

Once you have finished talking with your class about food, watch these video to understand the importance of the super famous PB&J Sandwiches.

Don´t you know what they are? Watch and find out!