Sunday, 10 November 2019

Another Brick in the Wall

On the 9th of november of 1989 fell the Berlin Wall, which had been built in 1961 and separated the city and its inhabitants. For more than two decades Berlin West had been an isolated island inside the DDR (Deutsche Demokratische Republik), or communist Germany.  People living in West Berlin could only leave by plane or driving along a motorway to reach the rest of West Germany, and people living in East Berlin had to follow the strict rules of the communist regime and could not visit non-communist countries.

But when in 1985 Mikhail Gorwatxov became the leader of the Soviet Union, he started a series of reforms which culminated in the opening of the Hungarian frontiers in august 1989 and in the fall of "Die Berliner Mauer" in november of that same year. Finally,  on the 3rd of october of 1990 the two Germanies became officially reunited (Deutsche Wiedervereinigung) and this date is celebrated every year since.

On the 21st of July 1990 Roger Waters and his group Pink Floyd played their famous song " Another Brick in the Wall" in front of the remains of the wall, in a concert which was broadcasted worldwide. This song, from the album " The Wall", was not originally composed to talk about the Berlin Wall, but it has become a symbol of its fall since that concert. Here you have the lyrics and the music.

Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Climate Change

Help, world temperatures are rising, what can we do about it?
First of all, watch this video

There are many things we can do to stop climate change, but one of the first ones is to inform and raise awareness on the topic. How? Find a piece of news which talks about a story of survival in natural disasters/ extreme weather related to climate change, rewrite it in your own words, and post it in a middlespot page. We will then post these pieces of news in our schoolweb, as a way for the rest of the students to be aware of one of the consequences of climate change.