Tuesday, 2 November 2021

Death Penalty

 What do you think about the Death Penalty, otherwise known as Capital Punishment? Is it morally correct?

Watch these videos about different opinions on the topic:


After watching these videos and discussing them with your classmates, read the following arguments and decide if they are for and against: 

- For the murder victim's family, it is the only way justice can be done.
- It prevents people from commiting crimes.
- Society should punish people, not look for revenge.
- There's no other way to stop murderers from murdering again.
- If the state says killing people is wrong, it can't do the same thing itself.
- A murderer should pay for his crime with his own life.
- Innocent people have occasionally been executed.
- Life imprisonmnent is sufficient punishment. 

Prepare a debate about this topic with the rest of the class. Remember to use the following expressions to give reasons for your opinions: 
- For one thing...
- I say this because...
- For that reason...
- I feel this way because...
- That`s why...
- That's because...
- That's the main reason why...
- That`s another reason why...
- I agree but...

Crime and Punishment Vocabulary Exercises


Vocabulary Exercise 1

Vocabulary Exercise 2

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Analysing an Advertisement

Advertisements are such a big part of our lives that we don't notice them anymore, but are they still necessary? Do they increase sales? And most importantly, how do advertising agencies try to obtain this purpose?

In groups of 3/2 or individually, choose an advertisement that you find interesting. It can be a video or a picture or poster from any source.

  • Show and describe the contents of the advertisement to the rest of your classmates. Use as many adjectives as you can to describe it properly.

  • Analyse the advertisement: 

1- What made you choose it?

2- Which techniques is using to attract your attention? 

3-  Do you think it is a good advertisement and will obtain its purpose ( increasing sales)? Why?

 Try to use specific vocabulary  and mention advertising techniques such as the ones shown in the following video

 You can prepare a power point, prezi or something similar to support your oral exposition but it is not necessary, you can also decide to show only the advertisement and explain it to your classmates.

Saturday, 4 September 2021

Back to School

What's a typical schoolday for you? What lessons do you have?

Would you like to go to a different school ( art school, sport school, etc...)? Do you think the activities they do there are very different?

Check this post from two years ago to find out 

Monday, 26 April 2021



Do you like crime riddles? Are you a good detective? Watch these videos with these crime riddles and compete with the rest of your classmates to see who is the best group!!

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

 Do you know about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? Wach this entry from the blog to find out.