Do you know what your zodiac sign is? Look at this chart to find out:
-What do you know about horoscopes? Do you believe in them?
- Do you agree with the positive and negative traits described in your zodiac sign?
- Do you think that all the classmates sharing the same zodiac sign are similar/ have a lot in common?
- Watch this video and write down in your dossier the personality traits that your zodiac sign is supposed to have:
Sit in groups with the students who share the same horoscope as you and ask each other questions to find out if you share the same personality traits:
- Are you brave/ sensitive/ practical?
-What are your personality traits/ qualities?
- Do you agree with the positive and negative traits described in your zodiac sign?
- Do you think that all the classmates sharing the same zodiac sign are similar/ have a lot in common?
When you finish, write a small paragraph to share later with the rest of the class:
- Our group thinks that we share / don't share the personality traits defined by our horoscope. We are ............................... but we are not .............................. Some students in the group agree with the horoscope because ............. and others don't because......
In conclusion, we think zodiac signs are/ are not .......................