Monday, 16 May 2016

News at the High School

Our reporters from 3r ESO A and B have been working very hard these last weeks, because many crimes have been committed! Here you have some of the news they reported:

The football team won the tournament

Welcome to Joan Miró news! Luckily some students of 3ª ESO won the intertournament of Cornellà. Our school team became the champions of our city.
The team was integrated by some students from the third course. They were for example Asier Jaurrieta, Albert Rodríguez or Mario Ballestero among others. They played 8 matchs with other secondary schools of Cornellà.
The final was played in Joan Miró. Obviously the match was a recital of sport. The final was very exciting, because Asier Jaurrieta marked the most important goal in the last five minutes. Still they are very tired, but they are happy for their good performance in the tournament.
At the end of the football final day, they lifted the gold cup. They took a photo of the team to remember this special day for them and for all the secondary school.

Reporter by Asier Jaurrieta, 3r B

Murder in high school : The guilty has been caught 
by the detectives

Welcome back! We start the class without problems. Unfortunately, a math’s teacher called Helena Domínguez has been murdered by a student called Ismael Sánchez, we can say that the problem has stayed solved. Apparently, the students had too much problems.

All started in a normal day. The teacher was found by the other teachers of the high school, in the teacher’s room. She had been stabbed by someone. Apparently, when the murderer killed his victim, he closed the door with the keys that Helena wore for that nobody could entry there. Obviously, the guilty wanted to carry his teacher to a lonely place to kill her. In addition, the witness have said that all started because the teacher erased the slate board, and later, finished with his bad mark in the exam. He wanted to solve a ‘problem’.

Luckily, the director called the police and the detectives. The detectives investigated and recruited all the students for a strict review. Luckily, the detectives investigated all the student’s fingerprints, and caught the guilty. Apparently, the fingerprints agreedwith the knife’s  fingerprints. The guilty would have to have used a glove. It seems that the student didn’t find the correct ‘formula’.

The student ‘solved the problem’. We hope that the next students solve their problems with calculator this time.

Reported by Marina Cañizares Sánchez

Class 3B

Some laptops were stolen 

I’m writing to inform you all that unfortunately there was a break-in at the weekend. The police were called to the scene of the crime and found a broken window on the 2nd floor. Five laptops were stolen from the English classroom and a message was written on the board: “ I’m am a robber!!!”.

Fortunately, the police found several muddy footprints. They were from someone, probably athlete, who wore very large trainers and was capable of climbing up to the 2nd floor. 
The police have questioned the English teacher and asked her if she recognized the writing on the board. She told them that she didn’t but she did recognize the spelling mistake! She only knew one athletic person with large feet who always made the same spelling mistake. It was Clara from year 3. She was given a last warning and she will be suspended from school for two months.

Obviously, this piece of news is very important to us because of data protection as we all use the laptops. Hopefully, this will be the last time we get a break-in.

Reported by Arianna Pannunzi,
Class 3B

Hacking hit the INS Joan Miró web:

Unfortunately, we start a new year with a crime-our web, INS Joan Miró, was hacked during the summer.
The hackers were hack our web with a program, they programed this “hack-program” and they introduced a virus into the program, but this virus only was activated when the program entered into the source code. The program hacked all the accounts and the hackers introduced a lot of modifications in our accounts.
The cyberattack was produced during an update of the system, they were introducing the program in these moment because during an update the antivirus and the firewalls are disabled.
Luckily, the identity of these two hackers was discovered by Roman Mendoza, the computer teacher. Curiously the criminals are students of our high school. We don’t know why they do this and if they have some personal information.
Obviously, we informed the parents of the boys about the crime and the police too.
If you have any further information, or if you see anything suspicious, you should contact us or the police. Hopefully, we can avoid more hacking in the future!
Reported by Adrián Llamas,
Class 3ºB.

A fire destroys all the High 

School Joan Miro

Today, day 5th of May, in the High School Joan Miro there was a horrible accident.
During the playground there was an explosion of gas in the cafeteria. When the fire started at the kitchen, the people went out but the students needed to leave the high school by the door of the playground.
The worst was when the fire arrived to the laboratory, because these caused another explosion, but there was bigger. Luckily there wasn´t anybody inside.
The firefighters arrived in minutes, they turned off the fire but most of the high school was destroyed. Fortunately there wasn´t anybody injured.
Eugenia Porotova, 3rB ESO

School Magazine

Welcome again!

We have bad news to start the final term. The school was invaded by vandals the last weekend at night.

The damage occurred in the chemistry lab. The vandals wrote an offensive message in the middle of the wall with graffiti and also, they stole some chemical material and a pair of chairs and tables.

On Monday, the director called the police but they didn’t do anything because the CCTV cameras only recorded the principal door and the vandals weren’t caught.

Finally, the director put a vigilant at night and this won’t happen again.

Reported by Silvia Callejo,
3r A



Yesterday morning, when the head teacher arrived at the school he found that someone had entered the building and painted minions all over the walls of every room. 

To enter the property, the vandals broke the door and wasted all the paintings of the Art class. Luckily, they didn’t steal anything of value, just some chips of the cafeteria and used the school materials to do the graffiti. The police was called by the same person that found out all the paintings.

Unfortunately, there were no cameras on the surroundings to record the authors of the crime, but the police think they are local teenagers. Even it has been an act of vandalism, it has not been so bad and the high school has decided to leave the paintings because it contributes to create an ambient of creativity and youth.

The criminals weren’t caught but the school has taken security measures and hopefully we can avoid this type of acts in the future.

Reported by María Chaves and Laia Dova, 3r ESO A

Welcome back after the holidays of Christmas! When we arrived after the Christmas holidays we found all broken and the gym with broken windows and without much material.

Most of the damage occurred in the bar and the gym. In the bar all the food and all the appliances were carried and in the gym  all the windows were broken and all the material that we used to play was taken. Fortunately, other parts of the school were not affected because the police found the robbers thanks to the school security cameras.

 Luckily the vandals were taken by the police. And the school after three months got to normal because teachers helped to make a new bar and students helped arrange the windows in the gym and placed new material. 

Reported by Judith Rodríguez, 3rd ESO A

School hit by vandals during school hours

Hello, today 12th of may, unfortunately, we start
 the day with some bad news. Ana of the coffee shop
was stolen by vandals during school hours.

We were walking around the high school because
we wanted a snack when the vandals appeared
and we went to the director’s office and they called
the police.

 Unfortunalety, the events weren’t recorded on
CCTV. Luckily the police station is near the school
and the police arrived on time, and Ana recovered
her money.

Eventually the vandals had to pay a fine and everything
went back to normal. Hopefully, we can avoid more vandalism
in the future!
 Reported by Ariadna and Verónica,  Class 3A.


Last week there was a crime in our high school, one student jumped in to the building from the street to the playground, out of the school time.
This student trespassed the principal door and silently he went to the kitchen to take a knife, he walked through the indoor playground, (pati andaluç) and he arrive at the computer science class, when he was cutting all the cables and systems , a teacher saw the student, and the student knocked the teacher with chloroform, and now, the teacher has disappeared!! Is the student a kidnapper? Would he want a ransom for the teacher? We don’t know it yet but all the police are searching for him. And some people say that why does our highschool not have a CCTV system?

Reported by David Gérez, Class 3A